Rajeshwar Convent Higher Secondary School

About us

Child Protection Policy Of School

Rajeshwar Convent School, in all its endeavours, will always strive to protect and promote the dignity of children in its space, in its dealings, as the children reflect the image and likeness of God. We believe in the sacredness and the value of life and the inalienable right to life. Rajeshwar Convent School in all its efforts will promote, respect for human lives irrespective of religion, culture, etc. This child friendly institution guarantees the rights and protection of all children and ensures Zero tolerance to any form of abuses since God has created everybody in his image. Human life is sacred and it possesses dignity, which leads to human rights. Hence right of everybody especially the children has to be protected and safe guarded as they are most vulnerable group in the society and could be exploited and misled easily.