Rajeshwar Convent Higher Secondary School



Examination Procedure

  • Hall tickets are essential for all examinations.
  • Hall tickets will be issued only after getting the NOC from laboratory, library, games and account section.
  • 80% of attendance is compulsory for appearing in the final Examinations. Students who fail to have the minimum percentage of attendance will not be recommended for Board Examinations.
  • All written answer scripts and any other work done by the students of the school during examinations or as a part of examination and the copy right there in are property of the school and will not be returned. Every application to admit a student to the school/agreement signed with the school by parents/guardians in the beginning of each academic session will be deemed to constitute an agreement by each parent/guardian of the student-admitted to the school with the school to assign such copy right to the school
  • Annual examination papers will not be shown to parents/ guardians. Terminal examination papers may be shown to the parents/ guardians who desire and submit application for the same.
  • Marks of internal subject(s) also will be added to the total for deciding ranks. Students who fail in any subject may not be given grade in examination.
  • Any malpractice detected during or subsequent to an examination, changing marks in progress report will lead to cancellation/ disqualification and punishment. Use of religious, political, social symbols or slogans on the examination paper is strictly forbidden.
  • Special arrangements for examinations (including oral examinations) will not be made for pupils who for any reasons are absent from any of the test or examinations.
  • Absence /leave in an examination will be treated as having received no (zero) marks in it.
  • Re-totaling of the marks in the annual examination is permitted at a written request from the parent/guardian with a nominal fee.
  • Revaluation of the annual examination paper is not generally permitted.