Rajeshwar Convent Higher Secondary School



  • Students will be granted leave of absence only for very serious reasons and on receipt of written request from their parents or guardians to the principal
  • Leave of absence, for any reason other than illness is granted only on rare occasions provided previously applied for.
  • If a student is absent, on account of illness, the principal and the class teacher should be intimated in writing, immediately. If the absence has lasted over three days, a doctor's certificate should be submitted. The principal reserves the right to suggest/appoint school's own medical officer to examine a sick student in a disputed occasion
  • Once a student gets attendance in the class he/she will not be eligible for any partial leave.
  • Absence of the students from class for merely family, social functions and wedding of relatives other than those of immediate relation in family is discouraged.
  • All the students are expected to attend class on the opening day after vacations. If a student is absent from the school more than 15 continuous working days without proper leave his/her name will be removed from the register. Re admission if granted will be only after payment of a fresh admission fee.
  • Any one who is late or was absent on the previous day, will be admitted to the class only with the permission of the principal. The reason for absence must be explained on the 'Absence Record' page of the Hand Book and it must be signed by the parent or guardian.
  • Leave will not be granted on examination days.